About Leadpages

Leadpages offers customizable landing pages.

Pricing Page Breakdown

  • Interesting strategy to present the higher priced plan on the left
    • This honestly has me a little turned around and makes it difficult to compare plans
  • They do offer an advanced plan with integrations that is beneath these two plans as well, but they show the features for the advanced plan as crossed out for both the Pro and Standard plans
    • Why not just show the advanced plan as well?
  • They monetize on the number of sites (variable) and premium features (value-based strategy) like payments & a/b testing
  • Since there aren’t a lot of differences between the plans, I’d reduce some of the features highlighted in each ones and move those to a “compare plans” grid
Breakdown DateJanuary 18, 2022
Company CategoryProduct-led growth
Customer TypeProsumer
Business ModelFree trial
Pricing StrategyValue-based and variable
Pricing StructureGood, Better, Best
# of Plans3
% Difference (Good -> Better)100%
Best PracticesN / A
Rating1.5 parrots