How we rehabbed OFW’s signup flow

What was the project?

I joined OurFamilyWizard (OFW), an app that helps parents manage child custody schedules and co-parenting information from separate homes, in 2020. OFW was launched in 2001 and is the market leader for co-parenting software. OFW had built a great business, but its signup form was in need of some updating.

We decided to experiment with how to improve the signup flow without negatively impacting the business.

Why was it awesome?

Below is the experiment we set up with screenshots:

HypothesisRemoving security questions (4 fields) and a design refresh that is optimized for mobile web will result in > 10% lift in parent conversions
InsightsMajority of the parent traffic is on mobile web

Jobs to be done for parent registration: When I am signing up for OFW, I want to enter the minimum amount of form fields so I can get setup as quickly as possible
KPIsParent conversions

What challenges did we encounter and what did we learn?

The biggest challenge was rallying support internally. OFW had never done experimentation before so this was a new way of operating. We spent a lot of time educating our team on how to run experiments, how we planned to calculate statistical significance and ultimately that we’d make data driven decisions.

Eventually everyone bought in and we ran the experiment.

The experiment ended up being a winner with 15% lift in parent conversions with 80% confidence.

In addition, it uncovered more low hanging fruit for us to experiment with:

  • Moving the billing address fields from the first step to the payment step to reduce friction and provide more context to parents (see below)